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Design Strategy

Re-imagining the future of Maggie
The project won the #Kyoorius_Young_Blood_Awards #2018. The brief asked us to re-imagine the future of Maggie as a brand. The products were designed by using the "5 Sense Graph" as a reference point to provide a satisfying consumer experience.

The Dreamcatcher's Camp
The workshop was designed for 1480 students of class 11 & 12. The objective was to transform student's mindsets to become agents of change through dreaming big, and analyse the role of passion and perseverance in developing grit. #Design_Strategy #2018

The Design Open
We planned & organised the Design Open at Spread which is a pop up conversation to trace the development of design thinking in the emerging ground-breaking products & innovative tech, & usher in a new wave of growth in the Startup ecosystem. #2018

Rolls Royce store design
The project is based on the retail branding strategies to propose a retail space design for the Rolls Royce store. The proposal includes facade plan, three dimensional model of the store, bubble map and circulation plan and fixture layout. #Autocad #2019

Johnson’s Baby brand extension
The project involved studying the brand identity, philosophy, language and sphere of operation and carefully decide on a new product vertical for brand extension. #Fusion360 #2019

All India Radio: Brand manual
To keep up with the modern times, All India Radio is expanding its reach to a broader section with the help of new technology. The task was to design a modern style guide for the brand that makes it more attractive and shows the current state of the brand. #2017

Communication Arts Research
Communication Arts ( founded in 1959, is the largest international trade journal of visual communications. The objective was to study the magazine layout and content to be able to come with with our own version. #2019

Communication Arts Illustration Annual
The task was to replicate the creation of the magazine starting from searching the content to lay-outing it in a fashion that it looks like actual CA. #Magazine_design #2019

Rebranding Jharcraft
Jharcraft was formed to create sustainable livelihood opportunities in the rural areas. This is a guide to concept behind the re-branding, an overview of its creative style and an explanation of the basic elements of the new identity. #Store_design #2019

The Moulding Mudra: Brand manual
The guide showcases the concept behind a hypothetical pottery brand, an overview of its creative style and an explanation of the basic elements of its brand identity. #2018

Need to redesign Karnataka Khadi Board Logo
Researched under the NIFT Communication Department Centre Co-ordinator to help KVIB, Karnataka to present itself as a brand that stands with the modern demands of the people. #Brand_design #2018

Dhara: Let's give everyone the right to have good meal
Dhara's creatives for their upcoming project to provide the right to have good meal to everyone. The idea was to install community refrigerators in the societies where people can keep unwanted food for donation. #Advertisement_design #2017

What do coffee lovers want?
The idea was to come up with a disruptive brand solution or an idea that can be in a form of a product or a service that solves all the above mentioned problems keeping in mind the sustainability factors. #2018
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